Workshop Sept 2019
Workshop Sept 2019
The Abstract booklet contains abstracts for all talks and posters.
Workshop on volatile recycling, tectonics and associated hazards in the Lesser Antilles
23-27 September 2019
University Inn and Conference Centre UWI Campus St Augustine
Trinidad and Tobago
This workshop brought together about 60 scientists who work on the Antilles, scientists who work on subduction processes at other zones around the globe and scientists responsible for monitoring tectonic hazards in the Lesser Antilles.

With many thanks to George Cooper, Michal Camejo and Stacey Edwards for their excellent organisation, Richard Robertson, Joan Latchman and Lloyd Lynch for their support and engagement, and everyone for attending, joining in the discussions and making the workshop a great success.
Keynotes were given by: Richard Robertson, Gail Christeson, Iain Neill, Geoff Abers, Matthew Thirwall, Valerie Clouard, Nestor Cerpa and Joan Latchman
Many thanks to the AAPG YPTT for a brilliant field trip to the Los Iros seismic damage zone, an active mud volcano and pitch lake.

And thanks to Stephen Hicks for running an ObsPy seismic data analysis software workshop